Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Elul! The King Is In The Field!


You've probably heard that during the Jewish month of Elul, the "King is in the field"... this is the time when the King (God) is "out of his palace" and "walking amongst the regular folk". He is said to be at his most approachable at this point. Us regular peons can make requests of Him at this time.

However, this actually reminds me of something... the opening scene of "The Godfather". In this scene, a guy (who is a neighbor of the Godfather) comes in to ask favor of the Godfather. The Godfather says to him essentially "for 15 years we've been neighbors, and never in that time have you asked me over for dinner. Now, you come to me when you want a favor...".

Granted, a peasant feels they have nothing to offer the King, and that to attempt to invite the King for dinner would be a great insult to the King. But let's not confuse our God- The Master of the Universe, with human kings. Our King, our God, is our Father. Us being "rich" or "poor" means nothing to Him. He just wants to love us- and have us love Him back.

So before I think of approaching the King, our Father, I have to think- what have I done for HIM this past year? What can I do NOW for Him, that will show Him my honor and respect, so that if I need to ask a favor, He will grant it without having to ask "Why didn't you ever invite me to your house?".

So go ahead- invite God over. He would love the invitation. In fact, He's waiting for it!

So how do you "invite God over"? Easy. Just honor Him. How do you honor Him? Just do what He asks of us- which essentially boils down to "be nice to others". When you go about your daily business, think of Him. Think of all the things in your daily "routine" that occur because He allows it. Thank Him. Think of Him. That's "inviting God over".